
Chess set modeling tutorial

Hi, in this tutorial I’ll show you how to model a chess set.This is the first chapter and the second chapter will be made by C. Andrei. Like all of our tutorials this is very detailed and I am sure that anyone will understand it. If not, we are all on the forum waiting for your questions
Basic skills are needed to follow (extruding, chamfering, welding,…)
Here’s what we will be creating,
Step 1:
We’re going to start by creating the chessboard first.
So, create a box with the settings shown in the image.
The number and size of the subdivisions will help us determine the position and size for our pieces.
When done, convert it down to an editable poly.
Step 2:
Let’s now give our board a better look.
under the polygon sub object level, select a polygon from the ones on the side, then hold shift and click one next to it (see image)
Step 3:
Extrude the selected polygons (make sure the type is set to local normal like bellow)
Step 4:
Select the four edges in the corners and chamfer them with an amount of 10.
do the same to the ones in the images bellow.
Now we’re done with the board, so freeze it (right click –> object properties, check “Freeze” and uncheck “Show Frozen in Grey” and click OK).
Now let us move on and make our pieces.
Step 4:
OK, we will make the Pawn first.
Start by creating a cylinder in the position and with the parameters in the images.
Step 5:
Now follow the images.
Step 6:
Now create a sphere and put it on the top of the pawn like this.
Step 7:
Then select the pawn and click on “Attach” and select the sphere
Step 8:
Now we need to chamfer some edges. Select the ones shown in the image bellow.
Step 9:
Apply a mesh smooth modifier to the pawn, with a number of iterations of 2. And we’re done with the pawn.
Step 10:
Great, now we have to do the whole operation to create all the 15 other pawns (what the…!! is this guy crazy) OK! OK! just kidding.
hold shift and drag the pawn to the next position and change the number to 7 instances, and again to create the other row of pawns(see images)
OK now just hide all of the pawns, and let’s make the rook.
It’s pretty much the same manipulation as the pawn, so I’m going to repeat just this once, because there’s no point of repeating over and over.
so less talk more rock…

Step 12:
Make a cylinder again with the radius this time a little bit bigger than the pawn.
Step 13:
This time we won’t delete that polygon, and we will work with extrude.
I did an insert here, then I’ll extrude just a little bit, then scale.
insert and up just a little bit.
Step 14:
Now select three polygons, leave one, then select three and leave one…
Step 15:
Now let’s chamfer some edges.
Step 16:
Now carefully select these edges.
When you’re done chamfer them too.
Step 17:
And finally, let’s add a Mesh Smooth modifier to see the result.
I will leave the Knight until the end, and now I’ll make the bishop.
Step 18:
OK, as i said before, there’s no need to repeat everything, so I’ll jump to here
(I just copied a pawn, and made some adjustments to it)
Step 19:
Now Scale out
Step 20:
more edges to be chamfered.
these are the old ones(from the pawn)
and here are the new ones
Step 21:
Now let’s make the head.
First create a new sphere an put it like this
Step 22:
From the modifier list, choose FFD 3x3x3, then choose Control Points
Step 23:
Now by moving, scaling them, try to get this shape (it’s a very easy manipulation)
Step 24:
Create a box and try to place it like this
Step 25:
Select the sphere again then go to (create-> Compound Objects -> boolean)
Step 26:
Click on “Pick Operand B” then select The box.

Step 27:
Create a little sphere on top of his head.
Step 28:
We’re almost done.
Now you have to select the head of the bishop (it’s important to select the head)
then click on the little square near “Attach”.
Step 29:
then choose both the little sphere and the body of the bishop, then click attach.
And we’re done with the bishop.
Step 30:
The queen has the exact same body as the bishop, except for the head, and she’s also bigger and fatter XD.
Follow the images
Step 31:
Select these vertices then click Weld.(there are 24 before welding and 12 after)
then weld these ones
then these ones too
and repeat that to get this
Step 32:
lift the inside vertices, just a bit to get a cool shape.
Step 33:
Select and chamfer these edges.
Step 34:
Now we have to weld some vertices.
Here’s the result.
Step 35:
Create two new spheres like this.
Step 36:
Select the queen and attach the two spheres to it.
and we’re done
Step 37:
The king is very easy, just copied the queen and cut off her head :p
Step 38:
Select these edges but as a border then click on cap
Step 39:
make some insertions like this
Step 40:
then make any symbol you want on his head.

Step 41:
We now arrive to the hardest piece, the night.
If you search through the web you’ll find that the only piece of chess that’s got a lot of variants is the knight,
so to ensure that we’re doing the same thing, i think it’s better if we use a reference image, and here’s the one that i suggest.
start in the side view by creating a plan with the same dimensions as our reference image(1697×1131).
Step 42:
Open your material editor, and click on the little square near diffuse
from the pop-up menu, choose bitmap, then choose the image and click open.
Step 43:
Assign the material to the plan, then click on “Show shaded material in viewport”
freeze the plan, and we’re done setting up our reference image.
Step 44:
Create a cylinder as shown in the image.
Step 45:
it has to be placed very well, so right click with your mouse, then click the little square in front of move, then put 0 on x and y.

Step 46:
Convert the cylinder to an editable poly.
Start following the shape of the piece by extruding the top polygon (you can hit “alt+x” to make the cylinder transparent).
Things are not going to stay round and easy(check your top and front views)
Step 47:
Delete this polygon (we’re going to proceed by extruding edges.
Step 48:
Oh! i forgot something. Don’t worry if the other side of the piece doesn’t match, we will fix that by applying
a symmetry modifier, let’s do it right now.
From the modifier list, choose symmetry
Here are the parameters that worked for me.

Step 49:
Try to use you’re imagination to follow the topologies of the piece.
Select these edges, then connect them
Cap this border.
Sorry, I’ll do some modifications.
I’ll remove some edges.
And, continue.
Step 50:
Let’s add some details.
The ear.
(And there’s still one vertex behind the ear, don’t forget it)
The eye and nose.
The Hair.
Other details.
At last, were done.
I just made a silly table to put our chess set on.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
and next time you will be texturing and rendering these babies with C. Andrei .
Any questions, you’re welcome.


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